Customized Wireless Products for high-range Outdoor and Indoor wi-fi, which can be used as Router Board to connect different network. It also transmit and/or receive radio signals between two devices. Various products available for Wi-Fi and associated multiple services:
Outdoor Dual Radiating Composite Device(MIPL-ODRCD-1)
Dual Radiating Composite RF (MIPL-DRCDR-i)
Outdoor RF with Modem(MIPL-ORM-ii)
Dual Polarized AP with Modem(MIPL-DPAM-iii)
Composite Dual Radiating Antenna (MIPL-CDR-1)
Dual Radiating Composite RF(MIPL-DRC-2)
Dual Radiating Composite RF Device(MIPL-DRCRD-1)
Dual Radiating Composite RF Device(MIPL-DRCRD-2)